On Monday December 9th, 2019 around 3:00am local thieves broke into Social Work Action Group, a local organization serving the homeless and needy. Through this devastating tragedy the organization lost about $7,000.00 in Christmas gifts for the local homeless. The Syndicate Green Cross organized our resources and pulled together the $7,000.00 as a donation to make sure all the kids get their gifts this year! We hope all we have done helped our community! Merry Christmas!

December 24, 2019
The Syndicate
504 Central Avenue
Lake Elsinore, CA
Attention: Kim Cousins
Greetings The Syndicate!
Thank you for supporting Social Work Action Group (IRS tax-exempt ID# 82-2556816) and our work with serving homeless and at-risk individuals and families in the mid & southwest region of Riverside County. Your generous donation of 7,000.00 will assist our organization with providing our population with a memorable Christmas this holiday season! We appreciate your willingness to help those less fortunate in our local communities.
If you have any questions about our work, or would like to get more involved, we would love to hear from you! Simply visit our website at www.theswag.org and send us a message and one of our team members will reach out to you.
We sincerely appreciate your support in helping to make the holidays meaningful for others!
In gratitude,
Monica Sapien
Monica Sapien
Executive Director